Srass Saran

Activities សកម្មភាពមុនឆ្នាំ Joined the revolution, 19740115 Notes: Introducer: Sean (Source: I00190, p. 1)
ចូលបដិវត្ដន៍, ១៩៧៤០១១៥ - អ្នកនាំចូលៈ ស៊ាន

Associates អ្នកជាប់ពាក់ព័ន្ធដ៏ទៃទៀត Sean, 19740115 Notes: Introducer into the revolution (Source: I00190, p. 1) ស៊ាន, ១៩៧៤០១១៥ - អ្នកនាំចូលបដិវត្ដន៍ (Source: I00190, p. 1)

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Sophat Morm
Last Updated July 25, 2023, 05:25 (+1000)
Created July 25, 2023, 05:24 (+1000)
DK Zone 75-79 Region no.: 42 District: Prek Prasap Subdistrict:, Prek Prasap Village: Prek Prasap (Source: I00190, p. 1)
DK ORG Unit 75-79 Company 3, Battalion 123, Regiment 12 (Source: I00190, p. 1)
Date of Birth 1953???? 24 (Source: I00190, p. 1)
Father Name Srass (Source: I00190, p. 1)
Mother Name Lai (Source: I00190, p. 1)
Other Name Sran (Source: I00190, p. 1)
Pre DK Education Class 9 (Source: I00190, p. 1)
Source of Documents / Information I00190, p. 1 Notes: 19bbKk/7