Interview With Comrade Him Huy, Head Of Pol Pot Work At S-21

Summary/Abstract កំណត់សម្គាល់សេចក្ដីសង្ខេប

There were 4 security guard groups. 2 groups on permanent guard all day from 6 am to 6 am next morning. A group consisted of 10 or 12 people. There were almost 150 personnel working in S-21, known as Tuol Sleng.

មានក្រុមសន្ដិសុខចំនួន ៤ក្រុម។ ២ក្រុម ធ្វើការយាមកាមជា អចិន្ដ្រៃយ៍ពេញមួយថ្ងៃ ពីម៉ោង ៦ព្រឹក ដល់ម៉ោង ៦ព្រឹកនាព្រឹកថ្ងៃ បន្ទាប់។ ក្រុមមួយមានគ្នា១០ ឬ ១២នាក់។ មានជិត១៥០នាក់ ធ្វើការនៅ ស ២១ ដែលត្រូវបានស្គាល់ថាជា ទួល ស្លែង។

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Sophat Morm
Last Updated July 25, 2023, 06:35 (+1000)
Created July 25, 2023, 06:34 (+1000)
Record ID D00016
Alt Entry Person Individual Name Other Entries Him Huy
Collation 2 pages
Country of Publication Kh
DK Geographical Names Codes SW, 405, Kandal, Koh Thom, Porban
Geo Name codes 080408, Kandal, Koh Thom, Porban
Geographic Area Code Geographical Code a-cb-kd
Language Language of Doc/Book Cam
Location of Doc / Book KH, DC-CAM, Document no. D00016
Note Copy In Hand Note on Physical Qualities typescript-photocopy
Note Source Hand Source of Document Tuol Sleng
Perpetrator Alleged Perpetrator Names Cited Him Huy
Title of Doc/Book Interview With Comrade Him Huy, Head Of Pol Pot Work At S-21